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Chapter - 8

Chapter 8:...Traning.

I went down the stairs and my parents were cuddled up on the sofa having a chat so i decided not to disturb then so i krept over to the kithen and made me self some cereal even though it wasnt breakfast but i was hungry after all that packing it can take a lot out of a girl.

After i had finished my late breakfast i got my phone and car keys and purse with some money if i needed it and stuffed my phone in aswell and left the house after saying bye to my parents and only getting a mumble back i left the house and went to Kyles house but i know he would distract me so i parked a little down the road and callled Zack on my phone and he picked up after the first ring.

Me; "Zack before you say anything dont say my name ok and is kyle there"

Zack: "Ok then and yes why"

Me: "I need your help and ill tell Kyle later just come outside ill pick you up and you have no choice thanks bye"

I put my car back into drive and went down the street and i saw Zack coing out of the apartment so i parked up and opened the passenger side door and Zack came in and closed the door so i put my foot down on the exelarator and drove for about 5minutes and parked up on an deserted street.

"Ok i needed your help beacuse i had a dream and long story short it was an older version of me there and she sed she was apart of me and i needed to unlock that part to unlock my powers and when i go to bed i would dream and go to that place and she would train me to help relase my powers and when she knows i have i will like pass out and she will tell me and when i know im ready i need one of you to be there cause im going to be honest im shitting myself and i dont know what to tell Kyle what if she thinks im a freak what will i do then i couldnt hand-" I started to ramble on more but then Zack interrupted me.

"Ok stop and breath ok yo have powers ok but you will find a way to tell Kyle and he will not think your a freak he loves you so much and anyone can see that and if you dont tell him ill be here for you just breath you dont have to be scared im here and if you tell Kyle then he will be there to help you through it i promise you Tasha" I looked over at him and nodded and then started the car back up and headed back to Kyles.

"Ill drop you off ill come in to just say i needed you to help me talk to Courtney after all she is your mate" I looked over at him and when i mentioned Courtneys name his eyes lit up and i wondered if me and Kyle were like that.

"Ok but i dont like lieying and if Kyle asks me i have to tell him but i will tell him that he has to talk to you as he is my best mate and my alpha"

"I understand and thankyou i didnt know what to do im just so scared and freaked out i thought i was normal well as normal as you can get with a werewolf boyfriend and a witch bestfrien but hey i wouldnt swap it for anything" I looked over at Zack and he chuckled and then i just arrived at Kyles and his car was parked out front so i parked on the pavement and i stopped the car and we both jumped out the car and went inside were we found Kyle,Lucas and Brady sitting on the sofas with beers on the table while watching football typical guys i thought.

When we closed the door all heads snapped towards us and when i looked towards Kyle he was looking back and thorth between me and Zack so i shook my head at him and then Zack went and go a beer and sat down with the guys so i went over to Kyle and moved his arms out of the way and sat on the armchair with him with my legs up as it was a one seater and i thought to kyle in my head:

(Conversation to eachother in minds/heads)

Me: Nothing happened if thats what your thinking i wouldnt do that to you we had a chat i needed to talk to someone ill tell you later i promise and i know your going to say i should of come to you but i freaked and i worried what you would think of me but i needed someone who i wouldnt care if they judged me and Zack helped and thats why ill tell you later when were alone.

Kyle: Ok but please come to me i wont judge you any diffrently just talk to me ok and when are you moving in maybee tonight please.

Me: Im sorry and ok but have you asked the guys?.

Kyle: Well ermm no i sorta havent buttt they love you so it wouldnt be a problem and anyway im there alpha.


(Conversation over in mind/head to eachother)

I looked over at kyle and he looked a bit scared so i raised my eyebrows at him and looked at the guys and back at him and he nodded so i snuggled my head into the crook of his neck.

"Ermm guys what do you think of Tasha moving in with us" I pulled my head out of the crook of Kyles neck and looked at the guys.

"Cool we dont mind but we dont cook well we cant cook" I chucked and smiled at them all.

"Good beacuse i cant cook to save my life i have take outs most of the time anyway" I looked at the guys and they smiled widely and then my phone rigtone went of wich was ed sheeran you need me man i dont need you and i asnswered it straight away.

Me: "Hello?" I didnt bover to check the caller id before i picked up my phone.

Caller: "Oh hi sweety its mum i just wanted to tell you were leaving tonight and we wanted to meet your boyfriend before we go for 2 weeks ok i have to go bye honey come before 11 bye"

Me: "Bye mum"

I put the phone down and it was 3 oclock so we had plenty of time before we could go so i focused into the convesation the guys were having and boy it was about football so i put my face back into Kyles neck but i put my head upto his ear and blowed a tiny bit into it and he shivered.

"I need to go and do stuff yeah and we will go to mine later" Kyle noddes and i kissed up his neck and pecked him on the lips and stood up.

"Hey guys do you fancy coming to mine about 11 ill get drinks with my face id" The guys nodded and went back to watching the tv so i gave one last wave and went out to my car and sat there for a couple of minutes and got my phone out of my bag and called Emily,Charlotte and Courtney and they said they would bring drinks to and they would be at mine at 10:30 and hide the booze then go back home and get ready as Kyle will be coming round.

I started my car back up and wizzed of to into town and pulled up at the local supermarket were i know i wont have to show my id cause they know my parents are sorto rich but i always carrry my id around in my purse.

After buying 5 crates of beer and 3 bottles of vodka and wkd with apple cider i had decided that it would be enough i would just have to go round to Kyles again to put it in his fridge cause my parents dont know i drink and i would like to keep it that way so they do let me move in with Kyle and not think we would get drunk every night so when i had put all of the beer in the back of my car it took me 5minutes to get back to Kyles and i pulled it up by Kyles car the ran up and inside as it was getting cold outside and when i got in the guys were still were they were when i left them.

"Guys im nicking your fridge i have way to much beer and i think my parents would notice can you give me a hand pweasee" I put my hands around my back and gave them my best puppy dog eyes and they sighed and nodded and got up so i grabbed Kyles hand and all the other guys hand and led them outside and opened my boot and looked at the guys and they looked schocked so i laughed at them and they snapped out of it and grabbed 2 crates each and Kyle grabbed the bottles and i took one of off him.

"Do you think i got enough" I asked Kyle and he nodded.

"Are you trying to get us drunk" I laughed and nodded a no and we wnt inside and put them in the fridge and looked at the clock and it was already 5:30"

"Guys do you want takeout my treat" I heard a bunch of yes and sure.

"Do you want to come with me i dont know what the guys like"

